============================ R E A D M E N O T E S ============================ Marvell FC PowerKit for Windows, Linux and VMware_ESXi ================== Table of Contents ================== [1]. Introduction [2]. Prerequisites [3]. Scope [4]. Limitation [5]. Installation [6]. UnInstallation [7]. Executing Cmdlets 7.(a) Executing Cmdlets on Local and Remote Host through CIM Session: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]. Executing Cmdlets on [Local Host System]: ---------------------------------------------- a] [Local Windows Host System] [2]. Executing Cmdlets on [Remote Host System]: ---------------------------------------------- i) Connecting Remote Host System through CIM Session: ----------------------------------------------------- a] [Local Windows Host System] --> [Remote Windows Host System] b] [Local Windows Host System] --> [Remote Linux Host System] c] [Local Windows Host System] --> [Remote ESXi Host System] [8]. Available Cmdlets and Description [9]. Known Issues [10]. Contacting Support ================ 1. Introduction: ================ Marvell FC PowerKit is a PowerShell kit for managing Marvell/QLogic FC family of adapters using PowerShell Cmdlets. The Marvell FC PowerKit consists of the following two components. a] WMIv2, OMI provider and CIM Provider for Windows, Linux and ESXi respectively. b] PowerShell Cmdlets for managing Marvell/QLogic FC adapter family. ================ 2. Prerequisites: ================ a] WMI/OMI/CIM ESXi provider for Windows/Linux/ESXi is installed properly on the host system with Marvell FC adapter family that is to be managed by the FC Cmdlets. b] Marvell FC PowerKit be installed properly on the Windows system from which you plan to manage the local/remote Windows, Linux and ESXi host system with Marvell FC adapter family. c] Appropriate device driver for the Marvell FC is to be installed on the host system that is to be managed by the Marvell FC PowerKit. d] OmiServer must be installed prior to installing the OMI provider on host Linux systems. ========= 3. Scope: ========= a] Windows: ----------- -> Supported Operating Systems for the WMIv2 provider or the Marvell FC PowerKit as follows. # Windows Server 2016 # Windows Server 2019 [Standard/Data center] # Windows Server Core 2016 # Windows Server Core 2019 b] Linux: --------- -> Supported Operating Systems for the OMI provider and OMI server/CIMOM as follows. # All Linux distributions that OMI server/CIMOM is supported. # Please refer to the following link for further details on OMI server/CIMOM: https://github.com/Microsoft/omi (or) https://collaboration.opengroup.org/omi/ c] VMware-ESXi: --------------- -> Supported Operating Systems for Marvell FC VMware ESXi provider and SFCB server/CIMOM as follows. # VMware ESXi_6.5 # VMware ESXi_6.7 # VMware ESXi_7.0 ============== 4. Limitation: ============== 1]. Firewall exceptions need to be made for remote host system management using Cmdlets. ================ 5. Installation: ================ 1. Windows: ----------- Off-line installation through Installer files: --------------------------------------------- a] Copy the Marvell FC PowerKit files to the Windows host. b] Open a powerShell prompt as an administrator and navigate to the directory where you copied the installer files. c] Run the following command to install both WMIv2 provider and the Cmdlets: Simply run below command on "New power-shell prompt session". # .\Install_MRVL_FC_PowerKit.ps1 (or) Run below command on "New power-shell prompt session". # Import-Module .\Install_MRVL_FC_PowerKit.ps1 -Force -> A message will pop-up asking if you want to run software from an untrusted publisher. Type/click 'A' for 'Always run'. d] The Cmdlets will be immediately available. -> Start typing "Get-MRVLFC" and press tab. -> Continue typing Get-MRVLFC and then press tab. -> The Get-MRVLFCAdapter Cmdlet should auto-populate. -> Run the command to confirm the Cmdlets are working properly. Notes: ------ i]. Please make sure that uninstall the old Powerkit (provider and Cmdlets) if the user installed earlier, before installation of new PowerKit (provider and Cmdlets). ii]. Please restart the WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) from "Services Window Panel" after installation of PowerKit if required. iii]. Please close or end all the old tasks named as "WMI Provider Host" in processes from "Task Manager Window" after installation of PowerKit if required. 2. Linux: --------- a] Download and install the appropriate latest OMI server package for your Linux machine from the following websites. https://github.com/Microsoft/omi (or) https://collaboration.opengroup.org/omi/ RPM packages are provided for the installation of OMI on most enterprise Linux distributions. Choose the package based upon architecture, OpenSSL version and Package format as follows. -> 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) architecture. -> OpenSSL version 0.9.8, 1.0.x or 1.1.x (to determine your OpenSSL version, run: openssl version). -> RPM or Debian package format. Example: # rpm -ivh omi-1.4.2-5.ssl_100.ulinux.x64.rpm b] Make sure omiserver is running on the Linux host system and use the below commands to set httpport and httpsport ports to listen on. # /opt/omi/bin/omiserver --> To see the status of OMI Server. # /opt/omi/bin/omiserver --httpport 5985 --httpsport 5986 -s --> To stop OMI Server on Linux host system. # /opt/omi/bin/omiserver --httpport 5985 --httpsport 5986 -d --> To start OMI Server and set the http port. c] Copy the appropriate Marvell OMI provider rpm package: MRVL_FC_Powerkit-X.X.XX-0.i386.rpm (For x86 Linux) MRVL_FC_Powerkit-X.X.XX-0.x86_64.rpm (For x64 Linux) d] Install the appropriate Marvell OMI provider rpm package. Example: # rpm -ivh MRVL_FC_Powerkit-X.X.XX-0.x86_64.rpm e] Restart the omiserver if necessary. f] Add firewall exceptions to open up the omiserver ports for remote cmdlets to talk to the OMI server/provider. Note: 1] Please make sure that unInstall the old provider if you installed earlier, before installation of new provider. 3. ESXi: -------- Follow the below commands to install Marvell FC VMware ESXi provider VIB on ESXi Host System. On ESXi6.x, following command can be used to install VIB. # esxcli software vib install -f -d MRVL_FC_Powerkit_ESXi6x_X.X.XX-XX.zip On ESXi6.x, following command can be used to install VIB. # esxcli software vib install -f -d VMW-esx-7.0.0-MRVL-FC-Powerkit-ESXi70-X.X.XX-XX.zip Note: 1] Please make sure that unInstall the old OMI-Provider if you installed earlier, before installation of new OMI-Provider. 2] The user must reboot the server after successful installation/unInstallation of provider. ================== 6. UnInstallation: ================== 1. Windows: ----------- Off-line unInstallation through UnInstaller files: ------------------------------------------------ -> Please follow the below commands to unInstall the Marvell FC PowerKit: a] Open a powerShell prompt as administrator and navigate to the directory containing the installer files. b] Run the following command to unInstall the Cmdlets: # .\Uninstall_MRVL_FC_PowerKit.ps1 (or) Run as below on new powerShell prompt session. # Import-Module .\Uninstall_MRVL_FC_PowerKit.ps1 -Force c] Confirm unInstallation by attempting to run Get-MRVLFCAdapter and having it fail. Cmdlets that you have already used in the current PowerShell session may still auto-populate, but will not work if they are ran. 2. Linux: --------- -> Please follow the below to unInstall the Marvell OMI provider rpm package which was installed earlier: # rpm -qa | grep -i MRVL_FC_Powerkit --> Just to check if the OMI Provider installed or not. # rpm -e MRVL_FC_Powerkit --> To unInstall OMI Provider. 3. ESXi: -------- -> Please follow the below commands to unInstall Marvell FC VMware ESXi provider VIB on ESXi Host System. # esxcli software vib list | grep -i mrvlfc --> Just to check if the Marvell FC ESXi Provider installed or not on Server. # esxcli software vib remove -n mrvlfc --> To unInstall Marvell FC ESXi Provider. Note: 1] The user must reboot the server after successful installation/unInstallation of provider. ========================================================================= 7.Executing Cmdlets ========================================================================= Notes: ====== a] Windows or Linux or ESXi host systems with Marvell FC adapter family can be managed by Marvell FC PowerKit Cmdlets. b] You need to have the Marvell FC PowerKit installed on a Windows system from which you plan to manage locally or remotely the Windows/Linux/ESXi host system with Marvell FC adapter family 7.(a) Executing Cmdlets on Local and Remote Host through CIM Session: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The user can execute Cmdlets on Local and Remote Host systems through CIM Session and as following. [1]. Executing Cmdlets on [Local Host System]: ---------------------------------------------- a] [Local Windows Host System] [2]. Executing Cmdlets on [Remote Host System]: ---------------------------------------------- i) Connecting Remote Host System through CIM Session: ----------------------------------------------------- a] [Local Windows Host System] --> [Remote Windows Host System] b] [Local Windows Host System] --> [Remote Linux Host System] c] [Local Windows Host System] --> [Remote ESXi Host System] [1]. Executing Cmdlets on [Local Host System]: ---------------------------------------------- a] [Local Windows Host System]: ----------------------------- - Use the following procedure to connect to a local Windows host system with Marvell FC 34xx/84xx/45xxx adapter family which has the WMIv2 provider already installed: step 1 - Install the latest Marvell FC PowerKit on Local Windows Host System. Step 2 - Run desired Cmdlets on Local Windows Host System. # Get-MRVLFCAdapter # Get-MRVLFCFunction -> Just invoke the desired Marvell FC PowerKit cmdlet to managed Marvell FC 34xx/84xx/45xxx adapters on the local Windows host system. Note: You can get the usage/Help of Cmdlet as follows. # Get-Help [-Examples | -Detailed | -Full ] Example: # Get-Help Get-MRVLFCAdapter # Get-Help Get-MRVLFCAdapter -Examples # Get-Help Get-MRVLFCAdapter -Full # Get-Help Get-MRVLFCAdapter -Detailed [2]. Executing Cmdlets on [Remote Host System]: ---------------------------------------------- i) Connecting Remote Host System through CIM Session: ------------------------------------------------------ a] [Local Windows Host System] --> [Remote Windows Host System]: ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Use the following procedure to connect to a remote Windows host system with Marvell FC adapter family which has the WMI provider already installed. Step 1 -> Install the latest Marvell FC PowerKit on Local Windows Host System. Step 2 -> Add the Remote Windows Host System to trusted host on Local Windows Host System. Example: # winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts=""} --> Run on local Windows machine [in cmd prompt run as admin] Step 3 -> Install the latest Marvell FC PowerKit on Remote Windows Host System. Step 4 -> Create the cim session on Local Windows Host System.. Syntax: # $Cred = Get-Credential # $Session = New-CimSession -ComputerName -Authentication Negotiate -Credential $Cred -OperationTimeoutSec 1200000 # Get-CimSession Example: # $Cred = Get-Credential Administrator # $Session = New-CimSession -ComputerName -Authentication Negotiate -Credential $Cred -OperationTimeoutSec 1200000 # Get-CimSession Step 5 -> Run desired Cmdlet using CimSession on Local Windows Host System. -> Invoke the desired Cmdlet with "-CimSession $Session" option # Get-MRVLFCAdapter -CimSession $Session b] [Local Windows Host System] --> [Remote Linux Host System]: -------------------------------------------------------------- -> Use the following procedure to connect to a remote Linux host system with Marvell FC adapter family which has both OMI server/CIMOM and OMI provider installed: Step 1 -> Install OMI server on Remote Linux Host System if not installed earlier. Step 2 -> Install latest OMI Provider on Remote Linux Host System. Step 3 -> If you are installing the OMI server 1st time follow the below steps. # /opt/omi/bin/omiserver -s --> To stop OMI Server on remote Linux host machine. # /opt/omi/bin/omiserver --httpport 5985 --httpsport 5986 -d --> To start OMI Server and set the http port. # /opt/omi/bin/omiserver --> To see status of OMI Server on remote Linux machine. Note: -> Add firewall exceptions to open up the omiserver ports for remote Cmdlets to talk to the OMI server/OMI provider. Step 4 -> Install the latest Marvell FC PowerKit on Local Windows Host System. Step 5 -> Add the Remote Linux Host System to trusted host on Local Windows Host System. Example: # winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts=""} --> Run on local Windows machine [in cmd prompt run as admin] Step 6 -> Create the cim session Local Windows Host System. Syntax: # $Cred = Get-Credential # $Session = New-CimSession -ComputerName -Authentication Basic -Credential $Cred -OperationTimeoutSec 1200000 # Get-CimSession Example: # $Cred = Get-Credential root # $Session = New-CimSession -ComputerName -Authentication Basic -Credential $Cred -OperationTimeoutSec 1200000 # Get-CimSession Step 7 -> Run desired Cmdlet using CimSession on Local Windows Host System.. -> Invoke the desired Cmdlet with "-CimSession $Session" option. Examples: # Get-MRVLFCAdapter -CimSession $Session c] [Local Windows Host System] --> [Remote ESXi Host System]: ------------------------------------------------------------- -> Use the following procedure to connect to a remote ESXi host system with Marvell FC adapter family which has both SFCB server/CIMOM and Marvell FC VMware ESXi provider installed: Step 1 -> Install latest Marvell FC VMware-ESXi Provider VIB on Remote ESXi Host System. Step 2 -> Reboot the server after installation of Provider VIB. Other Commands: # /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog restart --> To restart SFCB server on remote ESXi machine. # /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog stop --> To stop SFCB server on remote ESXi host machine. # /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog start --> To start SFCB server. Note: -> Add firewall exceptions to open up the SFCB ports for remote cmdlets to talk to the SFCB server/provider. Step 3 -> Install the latest Marvell FC PowerKit on Local Windows Host System. Step 4 -> Add the Remote ESXi Host System to trusted host on Local Windows Host System. Example: winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts=""} --> Run on local Windows machine [in cmd propmt run as admin] Step 5 -> Create the CIM Session as follows on Local Windows Host System. # $Cred = Get-Credential # $CIMOpt = New-CimSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck -SkipRevocationCheck -Usessl # $Session = New-CimSession -ComputerName -Authentication Basic -Credential $Cred -Sessionoption $CIMOpt -port 443 -OperationTimeoutSec 1200000 # Get-CimSession Example: # $Cred = Get-Credential root # $CIMOpt = New-CimSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck -SkipRevocationCheck -Usessl # $Session = New-CimSession -Authentication Basic -Credential $Cred -ComputerName "" -Sessionoption $CIMOpt -port 443 -OperationTimeoutSec 1200000 Step 6 -> Run desired Cmdlet using CimSession on Local Windows Host System.. Examples: # Get-MRVLFCAdapter -CimSession $Session -> Invoke the desired Cmdlet with "-CimSession $Session" option. ===================================== 8. Available Cmdlets and Description: ===================================== i) The following table consists of list of available Cmdlets. ii) User can get the usage/Help of each Cmdlet as follows. # Get-Help [-Examples | -Detailed | -Full ] Example: # Get-Help Get-MRVLFCAdapter # Get-Help Get-MRVLFCAdapter -Examples # Get-Help Get-MRVLFCAdapter -Full # Get-Help Get-MRVLFCAdapter -Detailed iii)The user can run the following command on PowerShell Prompt to see list of all available cmdlets after PowerKit installation. # Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.Name.StartsWith('QLGCFC_') } | select name,exportedcommands | Format-Table -Wrap iv)Please check the Powerkit User guide document for more information. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # S.No # Cmdlet Name #Description # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# a]. Local and Remote Host Cmdlets: ----------------------------------- 1. Get-MRVLFCManagedLocalHost b]. Adapter Level Cmdlets( Flash Update and Adapter Configs): ------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Get-MRVLFCAdapter 3. Update-MRVLFCFlashFromFile 4. Get-MRVLFCAdapterFlashInformation 5. Save-MRVLFCAdapterConfigToFile 6. Set-MRVLFCAdapterConfigFromFile 7. Save-MRVLFCRISCFirmwareDumpToFile 8. Save-MRVLFCMPIFirmwareDumpToFile c]. Port Level Cmdlets: ----------------------- 9. Get-MRVLFCPort 10. Get-MRVLFCPortBeaconStatus 11. Update-MRVLFCPortBeaconStatus 12. Reset-MRVLFCDefaultNVRAM 13. Get-MRVLFCFECMode 14. Set-MRVLFCFECMode 15. Reset-MRVLFCFECCounters 16. Get-MRVLFCFECStats 17. Get-MRVLFCPortStats d]. PortTarget Level Cmdlet: ----------------------------- 18. Get-MRVLFCPortTarget e]. PortTargetLUN Level Cmdlet: ------------------------------- 19. Get-MRVLFCPortTargetLUN f]. Boot Config Cmdlets: ----------------------------- 20. Get-MRVLFCBootConfig 21. Save-MRVLFCBootConfigToXMLFile 22. Set-MRVLFCBootConfigFromXMLFile g]. Diagnostic Test Cmdlets: ---------------------------- 23. Start-MRVLFCPortCTCommandDiagnosticTest 24. Reset-MRVLFCPortCTCommandDiagnosticTest 25. Start-MRVLFCPortEchoDiagnosticTest 26. Reset-MRVLFCPortEchoDiagnosticTest 27. Start-MRVLFCPortPingDiagnosticTest 28. Reset-MRVLFCPortPingDiagnosticTest 29. Start-MRVLFCPortRDPDiagnosticTest 30. Start-MRVLFCPortLinkStatusDiagnosticTest 31. Reset-MRVLFCPortLinkStatusDiagnosticTest 32. Start-MRVLFCPortLoopbackDiagnosticTest 33. Reset-MRVLFCPortLoopbackDiagnosticTest 34. Start-MRVLFCPortReadWriteBufferDiagnosticTest 35. Reset-MRVLFCPortReadWriteBufferDiagnosticTest 36. Start-MRVLFCDPortDiagTest 37. Enable-MRVLFCDPort 38. Disable-MRVLFCDPort 39. Get-MRVLFCAdapterNVRAMVarEnableDPortValue g]. Port Parameters Cmdlets: ---------------------------- 40. Get-MRVLFCPortParameters 41. Save-MRVLFCHBAParamsToXMLFile 42. Set-MRVLFCHBAParamsFromXMLFile h]. Virtual Port Cmdlets: ------------------------- 43. New-MRVLFCVPort 44. Remove-MRVLFCVPort 45. Get-MRVLFCAvailableVPorts 46. Get-MRVLFCVPort i]. Syncing Host CmdLets: ------------------------- 47. Sync-MRVLFCHost j]. SAN congestion mitigation (SCM) CmdLets: --------------------------------------------- 48. Get-MRVLFCPortSCMCheck 49. Get-MRVLFCTargetSCMCheck 50. Get-MRVLFCPortSCMStats 51. Get-MRVLFCTargetSCMStats 52. Reset-MRVLFCPortSCMStatistics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================ 9. Known Issues: ================ None. ======================== 10. Contacting Support: ======================== Please feel free to contact Marvell QLogic Support at https://www.marvell.com/support.html for further assistance. (c) Copyright 2021. All rights reserved worldwide. Marvell, the Marvell logo is registered trademarks of Marvell Semiconductor Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.