============================ R E L E A S E N O T E S ============================ Marvell QLogic FC PowerKit for Windows, Linux and VMware_ESXi Version 22, 2021) =============================== 1] Updated QUAPI libraries on ESXi Platforms Version 21, 2021) =============================== 1] Fixed issue of Port USCM Status message as 'Congestion Management not available on connected fabric' when congestion management is not disabled or not supported by switch. 2] Fixed issue of Port USCM Statistics showing wrong 'CongestionAlarmCount' on Windows. 3] Added validation to check which virtual port is associated with which physical port while deleting virtual port. Version 07, 2021) =============================== 1] Fixed issue on Windows of getting Target connected to Virtual Port when FAWWPN is toggled. Version 02, 2021) =============================== 1] Updated QUAPI libraries for updated USCM structures. 2] Updated USCM error messages to resemble with QCC CLI. 3] Fixed to correct Target handles connected to Virtual Ports which had wrong Port ID received from QUAPI. Version 18, 2021) =============================== 1] Fixed issue of 'Get-MRVLFCPortBBCRCreditRecoveryStatus' when 'BBCRRecoveryState' is offline. 'BBCRRecoveryOfflineReason' added to display offline reason. 2] Fixed issue of Firmware Lockdown status display for Virtual Port. 3] Fixed issue of showing different speed to Virtual Port than that of Physical Port. 4] Fixed issue of getting incorrect targets under Virtual Port on Windows. 5] Fixed issue of incorrect display of 'FECSupport' to Physical and Virtual Port. Physical Port having port speed more than or equal to 32 GB will have 'FECSupport' as 1. Virtual Port will have same 'FECSupport' as physical port. 6] Fixed issue of ‘Get-MRVLFCAvailableVPorts’ not getting correct value when 'Remove-MRVLFCVPort' is used with 'DoNotRefreshHost' as True. Version 31, 2021) ============================= 1] FCD-188 - Fixed issue of 'Set-MRVLFCAdapterConfigFromFile' CmdLet not showing the results message for Linux host. 2] FCD-190 - Fixed issue of 'Get-MRVLFCPortTarget' reflecting incorrect details for Esx host. 3] Added 'DoNotRefreshHost' argument for New-MRVLFCVPort and Remove-MRVLFCVPort CmdLets. This is an optional argument which defers host refresh after creating or deleting virtual port. 4] Fixed FCoE port listing issue. 5] CmdLet Get-MRVLFCAdapterFlashInformation will show 'FC Powerkit' as tool name if flash is updated from FC Powerkit. 6] Fixed setting RecvOutOfOrderDataBit, EnableLRBit and EnableFabricAssignWWN HBA parameters issue. Version 12, 2021) ============================= 1] ER0000000148559 - Fixed issue for not showing ResultMessage for Save-MRVLFCAdapterConfigToFile on Linux. 2] ER0000000148568 - Fixed issue of displaying LunInfo and LunList in Target enumerations. 3] ER0000000148556 - Fixed issue for display of lockdown status for Virtual Port on Dell Adapters. 4] Added support for handling asynchronous calls for CmdLets called by other applications. 5] Added HBAPortNumber and VirtualPortNumber attributes in Port and Virtual Port respectively. 6] Moved saving and setting NVRAM from file to Port level. Added Set-MRVLFCPortNVRAMFromFile and Save-MRVLFCPortNVRAMToFile CmdLets to Save and Set NVRAM files respectively. Removed MPI_CONFIG option from Save-MRVLFCAdapterConfigToFile and Set-MRVLFCAdapterConfigFromFile. 7] Added display for speed to online ports. Version 8, 2021) ============================= 1] Added following features and their CmdLets: a) Personality Management i) Get-MRVLFCAdapterPersonalityType ii) Update-MRVLFCAdapterPersonalityType b) IIDMA i) Set-MRVLFCAllTargetLinkSpeed ii) Get-MRVLFCTargetLinkSpeed iii)Set-MRVLFCTargetLinkSpeed c) BBCR Management i) Get-MRVLFCPortBBCRCreditRecoveryStatus ii) Enable-MRVLFCPortBBCRCreditRecovery iii)Disable-MRVLFCPortBBCRCreditRecovery d) FCE Trace i) Get-MRVLFCPortFCETrace 2] Moved VPD data display from Adapter level to Port Level. Added 'Get-MRVLFCPortVPDData' CmdLet to get VPD Data for Port. 3] Moved Transceiver Diagnostics Monitoring Interface (DMI) Data display from Port level to separate CmdLet. Added 'Get-MRVLFCPortDMIData' Cmdlet to get DMI Data for Port. 4] Improved performance for Adapter and Port operations. 5] Improved performance for Virtual Port enumerations. 6] Added usability related fixes for display purpose. 7] ER0000000148501 - Fixed for addition of display string for Windows 2022. Version 25, 2021) ============================= 1] Fixed issue related VMware ESXi certification. 2] Changed USCM strings to SCM in commands and help text. 3] Updated SDMAPI library for ER0000000148272. Version 21, 2021) ============================= 1] ER0000000148241 - Target list and information is shown as "N/A" when no target is connected. 2] ER0000000148243 - WWULN for NVMe target is shown as "N/A" Version 15, 2021) ============================= 1] Converted USCM attributes display from "CongestionAlarm" to "CongestionAlarmCount" and "CongestionWarning" to "CongestionWarningCount". 2] ER0000000148162 - For Virtual Port display of FW lockdown status changed to "Unsupported Firmware". 3] ER0000000148205 - Changed PhyPortHandle attributes for Target and LUN display to PortHandle. Now PortHandle can be Physical Port Handle or Virtual Port Handle to which target is connected. 4] ER0000000148209 - Added validation for creating new Virtual port to check available maximum virtual ports supported. 5] ER0000000148208 - Get-MRVLFCPortBeaconStatus and Update-MRVLFCPortBeaconStatus are now showing "Unsupported HBA" error code for the adapters that do not support. 6] ER0000000148211 - Get-MRVLFCAdapterFlashInformation updated to show correct information for Mezzanine Adapters. 7] ER0000000148212 - Corrected attributes applicable for Port for not applicable adapters. 8] ER0000000148220 - Updated Start-MRVLFCPortRDPDiagnosticTest to display "Unsupported HBA" for unsupported adapters. 9] ER0000000148222 - Updated Enable-MRVLFCDPort/Disable-MRVLFCDPort to display "Unsupported HBA" for unsupported adapters. 10] ER0000000148224 - Updated Start-MRVLFCPortReadWriteBufferDiagnosticTest to show correct result message. 11] ER0000000148226 - Updated Get-MRVLFCPortParameters to show attributes as "N/A" for not applicable adapters. Version 08, 2021) ============================= 1] Provided support for NVMe target listing. Filter out NVMe target for Boot From SAN configuration. 2] ER0000000148142 - Changed the display of USCM target statistics. Target USCM statistics are available at target level and accessible with TargetHandle. 3] ER0000000148161 - Fixed Start-MRVLFCPortLoopbackDiagnosticTest for External Loopback test issue on Linux. 4] ER0000000148162, ER0000000148117 & ER0000000148126 - Removed unwanted fields and fixed wrong fields shown. 5] ER0000000148104 - Fixed Port id issues in Adapter information. 6] ER0000000148168 - Fixed display of DPort Diagnostic test when DPort is not supported. 7] ER0000000148116 - Removed unwanted fields. Changed CmdLet name from "Get-MRVLFCFlashMemoBlock" to "Get-MRVLFCFlashInformation". 8] Changed CmdLet nameCorrected ‘Get-MRVLFCAdapterBeaconStatus’ and ‘Update- MRVLFCAdapterBeaconStatus’ to ‘Get-MRVLFCPortBeaconStatus’ and ‘Update- MRVLFCPortBeaconStatus’. 9] Updated SDMAPI library included fix for ER000000148178. Version 29, 2020) ============================= Fixed following USCM issues: 1] ER0000000147918 - Updated SDMAPI VMware library. Fixed issue of reflecting Link Failure. 2] ER0000000147919 - Updated SDMAPI VMware library. Fixed issue of reflecting Peer Congestion. 3] ER0000000147921 - USCM configuration values are shown correct now. 4] ER0000000147934 - Added validation for SCM field applicable to HBA Version 1, 2020) ============================= 1] Added USCM phase 2 support 2] Added support for MACH FCode update support Version 8, 2020) ============================= 1] ER0000000147665 - Added support for Link up/down scenario by adding 'Sync-MRVLFCHost' CmdLet to sync-up host getting monitored. This CmdLet can be used to refresh data when link up/down happens. 2] ER0000000147700 - Fixed issue of enable/disable Dport property to single port. It was getting applied to adapter level earlier. 3] ER0000000147665 - Fixed issue of Dport diagnostic test in Link up/down scenario. Use 'Sync-MRVLFCHost' to refresh data. 4] ER0000000147682 - Fixed listing issue of Target and LUNs in Link up/down scenario. Use 'Sync-MRVLFCHost' to refresh data. 5] Updated Dport Diagnostic test to display required fields only. Added result messages for every test performed in DPOrt Diagnostic test. 6] Updated Target and LUN level fields display. Removed unnecessary fields. Added fields like 'Status' and 'LinkStatus' in Target level. Version 21, 2020) ============================= 1] Fixed' Update-MRVLFCFlashFromFile' on Windows platform. 2] Updated adapters_adapter_provider.properties with new HBA listings. 3] Updated FW lockdown fields detailing with success message or error message if any. 4] Changed 'DeviceID', 'SubsystemID', 'VendorID', 'SubvendorID', 'SubsystemDeviceID' and 'SubsystemVenodorID' fields to Hexadecimal display. Version 11, 2020) ============================= 1] Fixed issues reported by EIT team on earlier releases. 2] Moved ‘Save-MRVLFCFirmwareDumpToFile’ to Adapter level from Port Level. Changed the name from ‘Save-MRVLFCFirmwareDumpToFile’ to ‘Save-MRVLFCRISCFirmwareDumpToFile’. 3] Added support for ‘Save-MRVLFCMPIFirmwareDumpToFile’ which dumps MPI firmware. This is applicable for adapter level. This feature is applicable only on Linux and not applicable on Windows and ESXi platforms. 4] Added support for FW Lockdown feature. Please note that FW lockdown is tested only on Linux. Windows and ESXi driver are still not available. 5] Changed Linkstatus Diagnostic test to display a list of nodes and their status. Also added Link status message to determine the Link Status. 6] Added checks in DPort Diagnostic tests before performing the DPort Diagnostic test like if Link is up, etc. Version 5, 2020) ============================= Fixed issue in QUAPI for Linux platform Version 24, 2020) ============================= 1] Provided support for Virtual Port management on Linux and Windows. Note: Virtual Port feature is not supported On VMware_ESXi. a. New-MRVLFCVPort b. Remove-MRVLFCVPort c. Get-MRVLFCAvailableVPorts d. Get-MRVLFCVPort 2] Resolved issues of co-exultancy of FC and Ethernet provider on same Host system. 3] Mapped Adapter and Port level fields correctly as per QCC CLI. 4] Provided support for FW dump on Windows. FW dump is dumped in file path provided by user. 5] Fixed issues reported by EIT team on earlier release. Version 26, 2020) ============================= Summary of Changes & Fixes: --------------------------- 1]. Fixed all the issues which are reported by EVT team in each Cmdlet for Windows, Linux and ESXi such as a]. Empty fields, b]. Invalid attribute values, c]. Cmdlet failures specific to OS. d]. Added some new fields. e]. Removed redundant and invalid fields. 2]. Renamed all Diagnostic Test Cmdlets to make them uniform and more self explanatory for usability. 3]. Added following new cmdlets support. a]. FC Edif Cmdlets. b]. FC Boot Config Cmdlets. c]. FC Port Parameters Cmdlets. d]. FC Adapter Configurations Cmdlets such as “SerdesRegion", "FirmwareTable", "MpiCfg", "NVRAM". e]. FC Firmware dump. f]. FC Flash Update and Flash memory block. g]. Update FC Adapter Beacon Status. h]. FEC Mode, FEC Counters and FEC stats. Available in this release: -------------------------- a]. Local and Remote Host Cmdlets: ----------------------------------- 1. Get-MRVLFCManagedLocalHost 2. Get-MRVLFCManagedRemoteHost --> Note: This Cmdlet is not applicable for this release. b]. Adapter Level Cmdlets( Flash Update and Adapter Configs): ------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Get-MRVLFCAdapter 4. Update-MRVLFCFlashFromFile 5. Get-MRVLFCFlashMemoBlock 6. Save-MRVLFCAdapterConfigToFile 7. Set-MRVLFCAdapterConfigFromFile c]. Port Level Cmdlets: ----------------------- 8. Get-MRVLFCPort 9. Get-MRVLFCAdapterBeaconStatus 10. Update-MRVLFCAdapterBeaconStatus 11. Reset-MRVLFCDefaultNVRAM 12. Get-MRVLFCFECMode 13. Set-MRVLFCFECMode 14. Reset-MRVLFCFECCounters 15. Get-MRVLFCFECStats 16. Save-MRVLFCFirmwareDumpToFile 17. Get-MRVLFCPortStats d]. PortTarget Level Cmdlet: ----------------------------- 18. Get-MRVLFCPortTarget e]. PortTargetLUN Level Cmdlet: ------------------------------- 19. Get-MRVLFCPortTargetLUN f]. Boot Config Cmdlets: ----------------------------- 20. Get-MRVLFCBootConfig 21. Save-MRVLFCBootConfigToXMLFile 22. Set-MRVLFCBootConfigFromXMLFile g]. Diagnostic Test Cmdlets: ---------------------------- 23. Start-MRVLFCPortCTCommandDiagnosticTest 24. Reset-MRVLFCPortCTCommandDiagnosticTest 25. Exit-MRVLFCPortCTCommandDiagnosticTest 26. Start-MRVLFCPortEchoDiagnosticTest 27. Reset-MRVLFCPortEchoDiagnosticTest 28. Exit-MRVLFCPortEchoDiagnosticTest 29. Start-MRVLFCPortPingDiagnosticTest 30. Reset-MRVLFCPortPingDiagnosticTest 31. Exit-MRVLFCPortPingDiagnosticTest 32. Start-MRVLFCPortRDPDiagnosticTest 33. Reset-MRVLFCPortRDPDiagnosticTest 34. Start-MRVLFCPortLinkStatusDiagnosticTest 35. Reset-MRVLFCPortLinkStatusDiagnosticTest 36. Start-MRVLFCPortLoopbackDiagnosticTest 37. Reset-MRVLFCPortLoopbackDiagnosticTest 38. Start-MRVLFCPortReadWriteBufferDiagnosticTest 39. Reset-MRVLFCPortReadWriteBufferDiagnosticTest 40. Exit-MRVLFCPortReadWriteBufferDiagnosticTest 41. Start-MRVLFCDPortDiagTest 42. Enable-MRVLFCDPort 43. Disable-MRVLFCDPort 44. Get-MRVLFCAdapterNVRAMVarEnableDPortValue g]. Port Parameters Cmdlets: ---------------------------- 45. Get-MRVLFCPortParameters 46. Save-MRVLFCHBAParamsToXMLFile 47. Set-MRVLFCHBAParamsFromXMLFile g]. Edif Cmdlets: ----------------- 48. Get-MRVLFCEdifConfig 49. Set-MRVLFCEdifConfigString 50. Set-MRVLFCEdifRemotePortConfig 51. Remove-MRVLFCEdifRemotePortConfig 52. Add-MRVLFCEdifRemotePortConfig 53. Set-MRVLFCEdifRekeyKeySize 54. Set-MRVLFCEdifRekeyReauthRetryTime 55. Set-MRVLFCEdifRekeyTime 56. Set-MRVLFCEdifRekeyReauthTime Version 17, 2020) =============================== - Initial release with following Cmdlet support for Local Host. 1. Get-MRVLFCAdapter 2. Get-MRVLFCPort 3. Get-MRVLFCPortParameters 4. Get-MRVLFCPortStats 5. Get-MRVLFCPortTarget 6. Get-MRVLFCPortTargetLUN 7. Start-MRVLFCPingDiagnostic 8. Reset-MRVLFCPingDiagnostic 9. Exit-MRVLFCPingDiagnostic 10. Reset-MRVLFCRDPDiagnosticParameters 11. Start-MRVLFCLoopBackDiagnostic 12. Reset-MRVLFCLoopBackDiagnosticParameters 13. Start-MRVLFCPortCTCommandDiagnostic 14. Reset-MRVLFCPortCTCommandDiagnostic 15. Exit-MRVLFCPortCTCommandDiagnostic 16. Start-MRVLFCLinkStatusDiagnostic 17. Reset-MRVLFCLinkStatusDiagnostic 18. Start-MRVLFCEchoDiagnostic 19. Reset-MRVLFCEchoDiagnostic 20. Exit-MRVLFCEchoDiagnostic 21. Get-MRVLFCAdapterNVRAMVarEnableDPortValue 22. Enable-MRVLFCDPort 23. Disable-MRVLFCDPort 24. Start-MRVLFCDPortDiagTest 25. Start-MRVLFCRDPDiagnostic 26. Get-MRVLFCAdapterBeaconStatus 27. Get-MRVLFCAdapterAsicBoardTemperature 28. Get-MRVLFCManagedLocalHost ==================== Contacting Support: ==================== Please feel free to contact Marvell QLogic Support at https://www.marvell.com/support.html for further assistance. (c) Copyright 2021. All rights reserved worldwide. Marvell, the Marvell logo is registered trademarks of Marvell Semiconductor Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.