QConvergeConsole CLI Readme Marvell Semiconductor, Inc All rights reserved Table of Contents 1. Package Contents 2. Supported Adapters/Controllers 3. Supported Operating Systems 4. Installing the Application 5. Additional Notes 5.1 Features Not Available When Running FCoE Windows Driver with NPIV Enabled 5.2 Features Not Available When Running VMware Driver 5.3 Features Not Available when Running FCoE Sysfs Inbox Driver 5.4 Warning Messages on Startup 5.5 VLAN & Teaming Driver Support 5.6 VLAN & Teaming Save and Restore Features 5.7 8200 series adapters Internal and External Diagnostics Loopback Tests 5.8 iSCSI 8200 series adapters Features Currently Not Supported 5.9 iSCSI IOCTL Module Required On Linux Operating Systems 5.10 Actions prior to the installation/upgrade of drivers 5.11 Issue with the BSG on Oracle UEK 5.12 OS Hot fix for performance issues on Windows Server 2008 R2 5.13 Firmware for IPv6 support 5.14 RHEL 6.0 Inbox iSCSI driver info 5.15 RHEL 6.x Installation of 32-bit compatibility libs 5.16 RHEL 6.x Releases, iSCSI 5.17 Red Hat 6.x with the x86_x64 architecture, iSCSI 5.18 SLES 11 SP1 Error Message, iSCSI 5.19 iSCSI QL4xxx cards support 5.20 A card reset if in a boot from SAN configuration 5.21 Features Currently not Supported in Windows PE 5.22 Action prior to the installation/upgrade of QCC CLI 5.23 SLES 11 SP1 - qisioctl Error message 5.24 Smart Screen Filter feature on Windows platform 5.25 PXE boot issue when running NIC diagnostics loopback tests or updating NIC parameters 5.26 Features not available when running Windows Server 2008 Inbox driver 5.27 Features not available with 82xx adapters (FC/FCoE) 5.28 iSCSI Restore Defaults Limitations for QL82xx and QL83xx cards 5.29 Experimental Support of Open-iSCSI for 8200 and 8300 series adapters 5.30 iSCSI Protocol Flash Update Disabled 5.31 No VLAN/Teaming support for Windows 2012 5.32 iSCSI Protocol Flash Update for QLE83xx Series Adapters 5.33 iSCSI Protocol Flash Update for 8200 series adapters Series Adapters 5.34 Invalid key selection message on Solaris iLOM console 5.35 FC/FCoE Loopback data patterns 5.36 Hyper-V Virtual Port new FC/FCoE driver required 5.37 Behaviour in other languages 5.38 Linux PowerPC Dependency on libstdc++.so.5 5.39 Steps to add CHAP entry on RHEL 6.5 and older Operating Systems 5.40 Loading SCSI Generic (SG) driver requirement for RH7.1 5.41 Flash Update early termination issue 5.42 QCC API library blocks auto NPIV port creation on Solaris 5.43 CT Ping and FTR tests fail when connected to Cisco switch 5.44 Minimum switch firmware requirements for Diagnostics Port, Read Diagnostics Parameters and FC Ping features. 5.45 Features not supported with NVME Targets/LUNs. 5.46 EDif - IO stops while setting HBA parameters due to chip reset. 5.47 Flash update failed with misleading error message when running inbox driver and firmware lockdown mode is turned on. 6. Contacting Support 1. Package Contents The QConvergeConsole Command Line Utility (QCC CLI) package contains the following files: Windows x64: * qaucli.exe - QCC CLI – main executable * enable_disable_x64.exe - QCC CLI Support EXE * ncli.dll - Networking protocol DLL * icli.dll - iSCSI protocol DLL * Fibre Channelapi_x64.dll - Fibre Channel protocol DLL * ql_p3p_npar.dll * NPAR DLL - fcscli-exitcodes.txt * Fibre Channel supporting TXT * Readme.txt - Readme TXT * npiv.bat - Fibre Channel MOF file installer * iscli.bat - iSCSI BAT * netscli.bat - Networking BAT * qldiag.bat - QLDiag BAT * scli.bat - Fibre Channel BAT * iscli.cfg - iSCSI trace configuration * netscli.cfg - Networking trace configuration * qaucli.cfg - QCC CLI trace configuration * drivers - DIR - Networking /IM driver files * nvramdefs - DIR - NVRAM defines * VlanTeaming - DIR - 8100 Series VLAN/Teaming Driver files * Additional various DLL, BAT, and properties files Windows x86: * qaucli - QCC CLI – main executable * enable_disable_x32.exe - QCC CLI Support EXE * ncli.dll - Networking protocol DLL * icli.dll - iSCSI protocol DL * fcapi_x32.dll - Fibre Channel protocol DLL * ql_p3p_npar.dll - NPAR DLL * fcscli-exitcodes.txt - Fibre Channel supporting TXT * Readme.txt - Readme TXT * npiv.bat - Fibre Channel MOF file installer * iscli.bat - iSCSI BAT * netscli.bat - Networking BAT * qldiag.bat - QLDIag BAT * scli.bat - Fibre Channel BAT * iscli.cfg - iSCSI trace configuration * netscli.cfg - Networking trace configuration * qaucli.cfg - QCC CLI trace configuration * drivers - DIR - Networking/IM driver files * nvramdefs - DIR - NVRAM define * VlanTeaming - DIR – 8100 Series VLAN/Teaming Driver files * Additional various DLL, BAT, and properties files Linux: * qaucli - QCC CLI – main executable * scli - Fibre Channel SHELL * iscli - iSCSI SHELL * netscli - Networking SHELL * readme.txt - QCC CLI - Readme * iscli.cfg - iSCSI trace configuration * netscli.cfg - Networking trace configuration * qaucli.cfg - QCC CLI trace configuration * nvramdefs - DIR - NVRAM defines * agent.properties - QCC CLI configuration * Additional various properties files Solaris: * qaucli - QCC CLI – main executable * scli - Fibre Channel SHELL * iscli - iSCSI SHELL * netscli - Networking SHELL * readme.txt - QCC CLI - Readme * iscli.cfg - iSCSI trace configuration * netscli.cfg - Networking trace configuration * qaucli.cfg - QCC CLI trace configuration * nvramdefs - DIR - NVRAM defines * agent.properties - QCC CLI configuration * Additional various properties files 2. Supported Adapters/Controllers * 2400, 2500 and 2600 Series Fibre Channel Adapters * 3200 Series Intelligent Ethernet Adapters * 4000 Series iSCSI Adapters * 8100, 8200, and 8300 Series Converged Network Adapters * 10000 Series Fabric Cache Adapters 3. Supported Operating Systems The QCC CLI runs on the following operating system (OS) platforms: OS Name OS Type Hardware Platform --------------- ------------ ------------------------------- * Windows Server 2019 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64 * Windows Server 2016 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64 * Windows PE 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64 * Windows PE 32-bit Intel 64, AMD64 * Red Hat RHEL AS/ES 8.x 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64, PPC64, ARM 64 * Red Hat RHEL AS/ES 7.x 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64, PPC64, ARM 64 * Novell SLES 12 SP1/SP2 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64, PPC64, ARM 64 SP3/SP4 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64, PPC64, ARM 64 SP5 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64, PPC64, ARM 64 * Novell SLES 15 SP1/SP2 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64, PPC64, ARM 64 * Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64, PPC64, ARM 64 * Citrix XenServer 7 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64 * Citrix XenServer 8 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64 * OpenEuler 20.03 LTS 64-bit ARM 64 * Kylin Linux Advanced Server 64-bit ARM 64 * UOS Server 20 64-bit ARM 64 * Oracle UEK R5, UEK R6 64-bit Intel 64, AMD64 NOTE: For specific service packs (SP) and OS updates, refer to the descriptions where this software version is posted on Marvell Web site https://www.marvell.com or on your OEM website. 4. Installing the Application The QConvergeConsole Command Line Utility User's Guide provides procedures for installing, starting, and removing the QCC CLI. It also provides detailed explanations of command line options. You can download a copy of this document from the driver download page for your adapter at Marvell Web site. https://www.marvell.com 5. Additional Notes The following sections provide additional information according to operating system: 5.1 Features Not Available When Running FCoE Windows Driver with NPIV Enabled When running the FCoE driver with NPIV enabled on Windows, the following features are not available with virtual port: * Adapter parameters settings * Adapter parameters restore default * Flash update from file * Saving flash to file * Adapter parameters update from file * Saving adapter parameters to file * Adapter parameters update from templates * Target link speed * Boot device settings * Driver settings * Adapter beacon 5.2 Features Not Available When Running VMware ESX Driver When running the VMware ESX driver on a VMware OS, the following features are not available with virtual ports: * Adapter parameters settings * Adapter parameters restore default * Flash update from file * Flash save to file * Adapter parameters update from file * Adapter parameters save to file * Adapter parameters update from templates * iiDMA (intelligent interleaved direct memory access) settings * Boot device settings * Driver settings * Adapter beacon 5.3 Features Not Available when Running FCoE Sysfs Inbox Driver When running the FCoE Sysfs Inbox Driver on a Linux OS, the following features are not available: * Persistent binding * Selective LUN * Adapter port statistics * Driver settings 5.4 Warning Messages on Startup When launching QCC CLI, the following warning messages may appear on the console: * qla2xxx 0000:01:02.0: Unable to read SFP data (102/a0/0) * qla2xxx 0000:01:02.0: Unable to read SFP data (102/a0/0) * qla2xxx 0000:01:02.1: Unable to read SFP data (102/a0/0) * qla2xxx 0000:01:02.1: Unable to read SFP data (102/a0/0) * qla2xxx 0000:01:02.0: Unable to read SFP data (102/a0/0) * qla2xxx 0000:01:02.1: Unable to read SFP data (102/a0/0) * qla2xxx 0000:01:02.0: Unable to read SFP data (102/a0/0) The FCoE driver displays these messages when it is unable to read SFP data. You can safely ignore them. 5.5 VLAN & Teaming Driver Support The QConvergeConsole CLI's VLAN & Teaming features are not compatible with the older VLAN and Teaming drivers distributed with the "SANsurfer Converged Network Adapter Networking CLI" versions and earlier. To use the QConvergeConsole CLI’s VLAN & Teaming features, this old VLAN and Teaming driver must be removed and the newer VLAN and Teaming driver must be installed. This newer driver is available in the latest version of the Marvell "Windows SuperInstaller". 5.6 VLAN & Teaming Save and Restore Features The QConvergeConsole CLI's VLAN & Teaming feature to save and restore VLAN and Teaming configuration uses a file format that is only valid for the QConvergeConsole CLI and is not compatible with any other applications at this time. 5.7 8200 Series Adapter Internal and External Diagnostics Loopback Tests NIC: The internal and external diagnostics loopback tests are enabled and supported on 8200 series adapters for NIC protocols. If a specific card is not supported, then error message "The Loopback Test is not supported in this release for the selection" is displayed iSCSI: The internal and external diagnostics loopback tests are enabled and supported on 8200 series adapters for iSCSI protocols. If a specific card is not supported, then error message "The Loopback Test is not supported in this release for the selection" is displayed FCoE: The internal and external diagnostics loopback tests are enabled and supported on 8200 series adapters for FCoE protocols. If a specific card is not supported, then error message "The Loopback Test is not supported in this release for the selection" is displayed For all other errors, appropriate error messages are displayed. 5.8 iSCSI 8200 Series Adapter Features Currently Not Supported At this time the following features are not supported for the 8200 series adapters with the iSCSI protocol: * Retrieval of the firmware coredump record is not supported. * Configuration of the CNA level parameters is not supported, except for the CNA level alias. * Configuration of port (duplex, flow control, link speed, DCBX parameters is not supported. 5.9 iSCSI IOCTL Module Required On Linux Operating Systems To properly discover 8200 series adapters iSCSI ports on Linux operating systems a Marvell iSCSI Linux IOCTL module is required to be installed and loaded. This IOCTL module, "qisioctl", is included in the iSCSI Linux driver packages posted to the Marvell web site. Use the command "lsmod | grep qis" to confirm that the IOCTL module, "qisioctl" is loaded. If this module is not loaded, then use the command "modprobe -v qisioctl" to load the module. 5.10 Actions prior to the installation/upgrade of drivers The QConvergeConsole Command Line Utility (QCC CLI) should be closed prior to installing or upgrading the FCoE, NIC or iSCSI drivers: 5.11 Issue with the BSG on Oracle UEK An operating system patch to Oracle UEK is required to allow QCC CLI to run properly. Without this patch the application can lock up. The patch fixes an operating system issue with BSG support. The patch is available at the following web link location (all three lines below need to be concatenated into one line in your web browser): http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git; a=commitdiff;h=84eb8fb42c120ff32b201c1cdd910033c888f699; hp=0f19bc681ed0849a2b95778460a0a8132e3700e2 5.12 OS Hot fix for performance issues on Windows Server 2008 R2 Poor performance has been observed on some computers that have NUMA-based processors and are running Windows Server 2008 R2. This issue occurs for applications with threads that request a large amount of memory. A correction to this problem is available in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, but if the user cannot upgrade to SP1, then a hot fix is available at: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-US;2155311 5.13 Firmware for IPv6 support Firmware version 4.8.3 or newer is required for IPv6 support. 5.14 RHEL 6.0 Inbox iSCSI driver info On RHEL 6.0, Inbox iSCSI driver does not have the interfaces to support QConvergeConsole GUI or QConvergeConsole CLI applications. Please download the RHEL 6.0 Out of Box iSCSI driver and QConvergeConsole applications from Marvell web site. 5.15 RHEL 6.x Installation of 32-bit compatibility libs Installation Sequence: 1. Select RHEL 6.0-20100805.0-Server-x86_64-DVD1.iso to mount with Raritan to install system Kernel version 2.6.32-59.el6.x86_64 2. Choose installation with Basic Video driver. 3. Select Basic storage device. 4. Install the software for "software development work machines" and extra install compatibility libraries. Compatibility library rpms list: Compat-db-4.6.21-15.el6,x86_64 Compat-expat1-1.95.8-8.el6.x86_64 Comapt-glibc- Compat-libgfortran-41-4.1.2-39.el6.x86_64 Compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-144.el6.x86_64 Compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-69.el6.x86_64 Compat-libtermcap- Compat-openldap-2.4.19_2.3.43-15.el6.x86_64 Openssl098e-0.9.8e-17.el6.x86_64 5. Configure the network , make sure iptables/firewall is disabled. 6. Install QCC CLI application. 7. Install below library RPMs in sequence. libXau- libxcb-1.5.1el6.i686.rpm libX11-1.3.2.el6.i686.rpm libXext. libXp. 8. Run QCC CLI application. 5.16 RHEL 6.x Releases, iSCSI For RHEL 6.x releases, external Marvell iSCSI Linux driver and IOCTL packages are required to be installed to discover and manage the iSCSI adapters. The inbox iSCSI driver does not have the interfaces to support the QConvergeConsole CLI and SANsurfer iSCSI HBA Manager applications. Download RHEL 6.x Marvell iSCSI Linux driver and QConvergeConsole CLI from Marvell Web site. 5.17 Red Hat 6.x with the x86_x64 architecture, iSCSI For QConvergeConsole CLI to install and run correctly on Red Hat 6.x with the x86_x64 architecture, you must install the additional packages listed in the following procedure: Installation Sequence: 1. Select RHEL 6.0-20100805.0-Server-x86_64-DVD1.iso to mount with Raritan. to install the system kernel version 2.6.32-59.el6.x86_64. 2. Choose the installation with the Basic Video driver. 3. Select the Basic storage device. 4. Install the software for "software development work machines" and extra install compatibility libraries: Compatibility library rpms list: Compat-db-4.6.21-15.el6,x86_64 Compat-expat1-1.95.8-8.el6.x86_64 Comapt-glibc- Compat-libgfortran-41-4.1.2-39.el6.x86_64 Compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-144.el6.x86_64 Compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-69.el6.x86_64 Compat-libtermcap- Compat-openldap-2.4.19_2.3.43-15.el6.x86_64 Openssl098e-0.9.8e-17.el6.x86_64 5. Configure the network and make sure iptables/firewall is disabled. 6. Install QCC CLI application. 7. Install the library RPMs in the following sequence: libXau- libxcb-1.5.1el6.i686.rpm libX11-1.3.2.el6.i686.rpm libXext. libXp. 8. Run QCC CLI application. 5.18 SLES 11 SP1 Error Message, iSCSI In some scenarios on SLES 11 SP1, the iSCSI ports may not be discovered, and the following error message may be seen in the system error log: FATAL: module '/lib/modules/' is unsupported use --allow-unsupported or set allow_unsupported_modules to 1 in /etc/modprobe.d/unsupported-modules 1. Add the Module.supported file with the following contents in the qla4xxx directory to include qisioctl as a supported module for Sles11SP1: qla4xxx.ko external qisioctl.ko external 2. Rebuild the modules after the inclusion of the Module.supported file. 3. The qisioctl module should be loaded after loading the qla4xxx driver and before starting QConvergeConsole CLI: modprobe qisioctl NOTE: For details on building and installing the driver and IOCTL module, refer to the Linux driver readme. 5.19 iSCSI QL4xxx cards support QConvergeConsole CLI v1.0.00.83 and newer versions support iSCSI QL4xxx cards. For Linux RHEL 4.x, 5.x and SLES 10 & 11 operating system versions a separate IOCTL module component, available on Marvell Web site, needs to be installed. For RHEL 6.x the iSCSI Linux driver with IOCTL module support is available on Marvell Web site and needs to be installed. 5.20 A card reset if in a boot from SAN configuration Firmware flash update when in boot from SAN configuration: If the CNA is in either an iSCSI or FCoE protocol boot from SAN configuration, then to ensure correct card reset logic protection is active, use the same protocol used for the boot from SAN configuration for firmware flash update commands. For example if configured for an iSCSI boot from SAN configuration, then use the command line switch: qaucli –pr iSCSI –f If configured for an FCoE boot from SAN configuration, then use the command line switch: qaucli –pr fc –b || [-rg ] The above process will prevent a card reset when in a boot from SAN configuration that can cause unpredictable operating system behavior or in some cases cause the operating system to lock up. 5.21 Features Currently not Supported in Windows PE At this time the following features are not supported on Windows PE: * Virtual port * FCoE Information * DCBX Parameters (TLV) * Persistent binding * Selective LUN 5.22 Action prior to the installation/upgrade of QCC CLI The QCC GUI agents (NIC/iSCSI/FCoE) should be stopped prior to installing or upgrading the QConvergeConsole CLI. Make sure to restart all the QCC GUI agents once the QCC CLI installation is complete. 5.23 SLES 11 SP1 - qisioctl Error message In some scenarios on SLES 11 SP1 the iSCSI ports may not be discovered and the following error message may be seen in the system error log: FATAL: module /lib/modules/ is unsupported use --allow-unsupported or set allow_unsupported_modules to 1 in /etc/modprobe.d/unsupported-modules Workaround: * Add Module.supported file with the following contents in qla4xxx directory to include qisioctl as a supported module for Sles11SP1: qla4xxx.ko external qisioctl.ko external * Rebuild the modules after inclusion of Module.supported file * qisioctl module should be loaded after loading qla4xxx driver and before starting QConvergeConsole CLI: modprobe qisioctl * NOTE: For details on building and installing the driver & IOCTL module refer to the Linux driver readme. 5.24 Smart Screen Filter feature on Windows platform Whenever you execute a file that you have downloaded from the internet, it is first checked by SmartScreen Filter against a database. Files that cannot be identified are blocked automatically, and a warning is displayed instead. The only two options on the screen are the highlighted OK button, and a more info link that is nearly as distinguishable from the background. A click on OK closes the message and blocks the executable from being started. If you want to start the program, you need to click on More Info. You can disable SmartScreen Filter in the Windows Control Panel. Use Windows-Pause to bring it up, and click on Control Panel in the address bar afterwards. Select System and Security and then Action Center afterwards. Select Change SmartScreen Settings on the left. This opens a menu where you can turn Windows SmartScreen off. 5.25 PXE boot issue when running NIC diagnostics loopback tests or updating NIC parameters Any operation that will result in loss of network connectivity shall not be performed when the rootfs is mounted over nfs. Loopback, some of the parameter updates can result in link loss and are not supported. 5.26 Features not available when running Windows Server 2008 Inbox driver FC/FCoE NVRAM parameters and Flash updates on 8Gb adapters are disabled when running Windows Server 2008 Inbox Driver Version or User must update the host to the latest Marvell driver. 5.27 Features not available with 82xx adapters (FC/FCoE) * Loopback test (Internal/External) only for certain cards * iiDMA 5.28 iSCSI Restore Defaults Limitations for 8200 and 8300 Series adapters The QConvergeConsole CLI's feature for restoring defaults on 8200 and 8300 Series adapters currently has the following limitations. The "Restore All", "DDBs", and "CHAP" options and selection of More than one restore option at a time are currently not supported. WORKAROUND: The iSCSI FastUtil (CTRL-Q) BIOS iSCSI boot configuration utility that is available at operating system boot time provides an option to restore all defaults. 5.29 Experimental Support of Open-iSCSI for 8200 and 8300 Series adapters The QConvergeConsole CLI provides experimental support for 8200 series adapters with open-iSCSI. This support is currently limited, including no target and LUN support and various other features. Following features are supported in qaucli with open-iscsi based drivers in distributions RHEL 6.2 and SLES 11.2 onwards - View adapter (HBA/CNA) information - View firmware versions - Update bootcode and firmware (Flash update) - Do Factory Defaults Restore Note: The adapter reset from application will not work if Link is down on the port. This is fixed in out of box driver and onwards 5.30 iSCSI Protocol Flash Update Disabled The QConvergeConsole CLI support for flash update through iSCSI protocol is currently disabled by default for QL82xx card. WORKAROUND: Perform flash update with either the NIC or FC/FCoE Protocols instead of iSCSI protocol. 5.31 No VLAN/Teaming support for Windows 2012 VLAN/Teaming is not supported on Windows 2012 by QConvergeConsole CLI. 5.32 iSCSI Protocol Flash Update for 8300 Series Adapters Flash Update via the iSCSI protocol does not update CRBINIT region of the ROM for adapters currently running Firmware versions 5.0.18 or earlier. Workarounds include updating the flash via the NIC or FC protocols. 5.33 iSCSI Protocol Flash Update for 8200 Series Adapters Flash Update via the iSCSI protocol does not update CRBINIT region of the ROM for any adapter. Workarounds include updating the flash via the NIC or FC protocols. 5.34 Invalid key selection message on Solaris iLOM console When using the iLOM console of a Solaris system, you may encounter "Invalid key selection" message in a loop when launching QCC CLI via the iLOM console. As a work around for this issue, please use SSH/Telnet session to the host to launch QConvergeConsole CLI 5.35 FC/FCoE Loopback data patterns Data patterns (CRPAT, CJPAT, CSPAT) for Loopback are not supported with QLE83xx/QLE26xx Series Adapters. 5.36 Hyper-V Virtual Port new FC/FCoE driver required System that is configured with virtual port created from Hyper-V Server must run driver with minimum version as shown below: For FC driver: v9.1.11.24 For FCoE driver: v9.1.11.12 5.37 Behaviour in other languages Connection name and Port alias will not be displayed as expected if the operating system on the managed host in installed in a language other than English. 5.38 Linux PowerPC Dependency on libstdc++.so.5 Installation of libstdc++.so.5 library is required , if the following error is displayed: “qaucli: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory?. 5.39 Steps to add CHAP entry on RHEL 6.5 and older Operating Systems For RHEL 6.5 and older operating system versions, after adding CHAP entry through QCC, qla4xxx driver module needs to be unloaded and reloaded for the updated CHAP entries to take effect. It can be done using following steps: 1. Logout any existing sessions 2. Unload qla4xxx: # rmmod qla4xxx 3. Reload qla4xxx: # modprobe qla4xxx After the above command completes, the new CHAP entries will be effective. NOTE: This workaround is required only in case of RHEL6.5 Inbox qla4xxx driver. The newer distros (RHEL 6.6, RHEL 7.0) do not require this workaround. 5.40 Loading SCSI Generic (SG) driver requirement for RH7.1 In RH7.1, loading SG driver is required to display the LUNs. To load SG driver: # modprobe sg 5.41 Flash Update early termination issue On Linux, during flash update, if the running process is interrupted by pressing Ctrl-C or by issuing command "kill -9 " . A stale shared file may be left behind as the cleanup process may not be done thoroughly. Any attempt of running flash update again by QCC GUI or by QCC CLI will fail subsequently. Workaround: Manually delete the following file in /tmp directory /tmp/ql_shared.dat 5.42 QCC API library blocks auto NPIV port creation on Solaris. Work Around: Temporarily comment out this line in the /etc/hba.conf from qla2x00 /usr/lib/libqlsdm.so to # qla2x00 /usr/lib/libqlsdm.so before creating NPIV . This is only required for auto mode (fcadm automatically generates WWN) not manual mode (User specifies WWN ) 5.43 CT Ping and FTR tests fail when connected to Cisco switch Work Around: None (Please check with Cisco to see if there is new firmware that supports this functionality). 5.44 Minimum switch firmware requirements for Diagnostics Port, Read Diagnostics Parameters and FC Ping features. Brocade: Fabric OS: v8.1.0.b Cisco: Kickstart: version 8.2(0)SK(1) [build 8.2(0)SK(0.148)] System: version 8.2(0)SK(1) [build 8.2(0)SK(0.148)] 5.45 Limitations with NVME Target/LUN support. * Sg3 Utils version 1.44 or above is required to discover/inquiry NVME target/LUN info. * Target Vendor, Product ID and Product Revision fields of size 8 bytes, 16 bytes and 4 bytes are supported as per SCSI Inquiry command. NVME targets may have bigger size strings which will get truncated. * Target PortID is 00-00-00. * WWULN (World-Wide-Unique-LUN-Number) in LUN info is not supported. * IIDMA settings are not supported. * LUN Persistent Name feature is not supported (Linux). * CT ping and CT FTR diagnostics test are not supported. * Boot-From-SAN is not supported. * NVME target is detected only when at least one namespace is present. Work Around: None 5.46 Issue with EDif, IO stops while setting HBA parameters due to chip reset. Modifying HBA parameters might cause adapter reset which results in I/O stop and some LUNs disappeared. Work Around: None 5.47 Flash update failed with misleading error message when running inbox driver and firmware lockdown mode is turned on. Work Around: Update to the latest driver. 6. Contacting Support For further assistance, contact Marvell Technical Support at: https://www.marvell.com/support/ (c) Copyright 2021. All rights reserved worldwide. Marvell and the Marvell logo are registered trademarks of Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.