QCC WAC Installation Instructions This README contains information on how to install Windows Admin Center and the FC QConvergeConsole extension from the .nupkg file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1 - Installing Windows Admin Center 1. Download Windows Admin Center (WAC): https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/manage/windows-admin-center/understand/windows-admin-center 2. Install WAC with default settings, including port 443. 3. Once WAC installation finishes you will be presented with a URL, e.g. https://win-iemk05c0pqg:443/. Navigate to this URL and enter your Windows username and password in the dialog box that pops up. Note that this URL is equivalent to https://localhost/. 4. You will be presented with an "All Connections" page. There should be only one connection. Click the link for the connection which contains "[Gateway]" in the name. 5. On the "Specify your credentials" page, click "Use another account for this connection". and enter your Windows uername and password. Click the "Use these credentials for all connections" checkbox. Click continue. 6. You should arrive ont he "Overview" page for Windows Admin Center. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2 - Installing the FC QConvergeConsole WAC Extension via PowerShell 1. Copy the Marvell QCC WAC .nupkg file, e.g. marvell.qlogicfcqconvergeconsole.1.0.0.nupkg, somewhere in a directory on the system (don't copy to the root of a drive). 2. Open a PowerShell window as Administrator. 3. Import special WAC PowerShell modules: Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Windows Admin Center\PowerShell\Modules\ExtensionTools" 4. Add extension feed: Add-Feed -GatewayEndpoint [WAC_URL] -Feed [DIRECTORY_CONTAINING_NUPKG_FILE] For example: Add-Feed -GatewayEndpoint "https://localhost:443" -Feed "C:\WAC" The added feed directory will be returned if successfully added. 5. Install extension Install-Extension -GatewayEndpoint [WAC_URL] -ExtensionId marvell.qlogicfcqconvergeconsole -Feed [DIRECTORY_CONTAINING_NUPKG_FILE] For example: Install-Extension -GatewayEndpoint "https://localhost:443" -ExtensionId marvell.qlogicfcqconvergeconsole -Feed "C:\WAC" 6. Refresh the page, at the bottom of the left pane the "Marvell QLogic FC QConvergeConsole" extension should be visible. Click this to open the extension. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2 - Installing the FC QConvergeConsole WAC Extension via Windows Admin Center GUI This is an alternative way to install the QCC WAC extension. 1. Open Windows Admin Center and navigate to the [Gateway] system. You should arrive at the "Overview" panel. 2. Click the gear icon on the top right of the page. 3. Click "Extensions" on the left side of the page. 4. Click "Feeds". 5. Click "Add". 6. Enter the absolute path to the directory containing the QCC WAC .nupkg file, e.g. C:\WAC. Click Add at the bottom. 7. Click "Available Extensions". 8. Select the Marvell QLogic FC QConvergeConsole Extension and click "Install". 9. Navigate to the Marvell QLogic FC QConvergeConsole extension in the tools list after installation. 10. If this is an installation upgrade, make sure to refresh the browser, e.g. press F5.