Our Goals

As we continue to operationalize our sustainability strategy across the company, we are making progress toward the goals across our key sustainability pillars — Thriving Organization, Sustainable Products and Responsible Supply Chain.

Our Goals

Thriving Organization

  • Aim for 100% of employees certified in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (annual)
  • Maintain an annual employee engagement (eSAT) score that is higher than Glint’s Technology Industry Benchmark (annual)
  • Achieve a 20% employee participation rate in the Marvell philanthropy program (FY25)
  • Set and validate a Science Based Target (SBT) aligned with a 1.5°C climate scenario, focused on Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions within our direct operations (FY24)

Responsible Supply Chain

  • Pursue 100% top Tier 1 Suppliers audited in the past two years by the Responsible Business Alliance Validated Assessment Program (RBA VAP) (FY25)

Sustainable Products

  • Set and validate a Science Based Target (SBT) aligned with a 1.5°C climate scenario, focused on Scope 3 GHG emissions associated with our product use phase (FY24)
  • Conduct a life cycle assessment (LCA) on three key product lines (FY25)