Chiplet Summit 2023
Chiplets Make Huge Chips Happen
Title: “Overcoming Chiplet Design Challenges and How the Industry Can Help”
Date: Wednesday, January 25
Time: 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Track: Panel
Location: San Jose (ballroom)
Marvell presenter: Mark Kuemerle, Distinguished Engineer
Chiplet designers face many challenges. Chiplets must be usable across a wide variety of applications, be optimized for power consumption and heat dissipation, satisfy standard PPA requirements, interface easily, and allow for varied processes and nodes. The industry can help by providing standards or guidelines for chiplet developers to follow, offering test suites and interoperability events, and complying with standards from JEDEC and other groups. A new organization to create and oversee the chiplet marketplace would be helpful as well.
Title: “How to Make Chiplets a Viable Market”
Date: Thursday, January 26
Time: 2:00-3:20 p.m.
Track: Panel
Location: San Jose (ballroom)
Marvell presenter: Mark Kuemerle, Distinguished Engineer
Many articles have discussed how chiplet-based design could become a drop-in business in which designers select the chiplets they want from a marketplace. Obviously, such a concept depends on a viable market in which chiplet designers could make a reasonable return on their investment. Clearly there would have to be standards for chiplets so chip designers would know what they’re getting and how it would integrate into their devices. The chiplet would need to have a specification sheet lists its connections and its characteristics in a specific manner. The chiplet would also have to pass both security and interoperability tests. Clearly such a marketplace will take time to develop and will require an organization to oversee it.
View the full agenda here.
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